Ruby mine arizona
Ruby mine arizona

ruby mine arizona ruby mine arizona

Richardson, C.A., Swartzbaugh, L., Evans, T. of Mines and Mineral Resources D-51, 54 p., 1 map plate and 1 Google Earth kml file. and Kimbler, 2007, Directory of Active Mines in Arizona. Hart, J., 2018, Office of the Arizona State Mine Inspector 117th Annual Report – Calendar Year 2018, 38 p. This work fulfills recently amended sections 9-461.05, 11-804, and 27-106 of the Arizona Revised Statutes, which go into effect on Augfollowing Governor Ducey signing H.B. This is the first directory of active mines since the Arizona Dept of Mines and Mineral Resources released Directory of Active Mines in Arizona (2007). This Directory of Active Mines in Arizona includes a brief report with three figures, seven plates displaying mine distribution across the state and by individual counties, an excel sheet listing the location, ownership, and mineral commodity of active mines, and a KMZ file for illustrating the active mines in Google Earth. 2), to a broad suite of industrial minerals dominated by aggregate (sand, gravel, and building stones) complemented by cement and lime, flagstone, gemstone, cinders, and gypsum, among other mineral resources. 1) range from metals, chiefly copper with minor production of gold, silver, iron ore, lead and zinc (Fig. INTERACTIVE Arizona Mines Map can be viewed as a web map here.Īrizona typically ranks 2nd to Nevada in non-fuel mineral production annually in the U.S. The new Directory of Active Mines in Arizona: FY 2019, a joint product of the Arizona Mine Inspector’s Office and the Arizona Geological Survey, characterizes those active mines. In FY 2019, there were 380 active, full-time mines or development projects in the state of Arizona (Richardson and others, 2019).

Ruby mine arizona